“The dog’s appearance can completely transform, but more importantly, the dog feels healthier and happier, and their true personality can finally shine through. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to capture the heart of their new human,” said Animal Advocate Lee Asher.
Toko – Image: @WahlHome/Facebook
The first, second and third place winners will receive $5,000, $2,000 and $1,000 for their shelter or rescue respectively.
Scruffy – Image: @WahlHome/Facebook
Chloe – Image: @WahlHome/Facebook
They have narrowed down the field to ten contestants. More pictures of their amazing transformations are below. You can vote for the shelter dog you believe had the most profound transformation by November 3rd via Dirty Dogs gallery.com.
Sources: Dirtydogsgallery.com, WalhHome on facebook and iheartdogs
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