The video in this post features dog and cat love is so incredibly sweet and touching. Dimples cuddles pup to keep him calm when he’s having separation anxiety.
In Media, dogs and cats are often portrayed as enemies with bitter love/hate relationships. This assertion cannot be further from the truth. I have come across many stories of sweet friendships and beautiful moments between Dogs and Cats that will make your heart melt.
I’ve covered a story between a momma dog taking care of a stray kitten. She took the kitten wherever she went. I’ve also covered another story of a beagle and cat that had a close bond. However, this story takes it to another level.
So, What Happened?
As some owners may know and experience, dogs can suffer from separation anxiety when the parent leaves the home for work or leaves the home for another reason. The dog is usually hyper attached when the parent is around and is really stressed when they leave.
Well this dog, that we will call “Pup” has a therapist and its his cat sibling that we will call “dimples”.
The video starts with Pup sitting on the couch showing signs of stress.
Dog Copes Adorably With Separation Anxiety From Fur Mom
Beagle and Cat Share Heartwarming Moment Together
Golden Retriever Takes Care of Stray Kitten