Loving relationships between dogs and other species are well documented. This can be true for cats and dogs although they are portrayed as being bitter enemies. This cat and dog pair were the best of friends caught on video in a warm embrace. However, many people …
“Puppy’, “Puppy” That is what 3-year old Kh’amorion Taylor, repeated when he saw his emotionally shaken and worried father. He was referring to the large stray Pitbull we will call “Lucie” that protected the boy while he wandered the streets. Pitbulls have a bad reputation for …
Siberian Husky dog breeds have beautiful, thick coats and striking blue or multi-colored eyes. Among all dog breeds, these wolf looking dogs are among the most beautiful breeds. That’s why its no surprise that SeQuoi Tenk aka Quoi, a rare brown blue-eyed Siberian husky, has amassed …
Dogs are our lovable and loyal companions. Sometimes they are just as silly and downright goofy as us. They can also do the funniest things,like posing strangely around the house. A golden retriever named Duke is one such pooch. His owner caught him in the funniest …
Puppies are very special and so irresistibly cute. They childlike innocence and thirst for exploration leave many entertained by their antics. As new puppy owners often discover, puppies have their own likes and dislikes. This includes favorite things such as toys. It could even include eclectic …
Perhaps I am showing my age, but I really liked Chucky the movie as a child. I often made my dolls talk and they had personalities, so I could certainly relate to one coming to life and taking over the house. This is a cute and …
Some dogs really want a family to love them. If they are rare and lucky they take matters into their own hands by jumping into a potential owners trunk and refusing to leave. “Please adopt me” they ask with their doggy cuteness. After all, life on …
Most people are born with all their extremities intact and don’t think much about being able to do the most basic tasks. For a tiny Chihuahua Puppy named turbo, he was not born with all his limps. He was missing his two front legs. Unfortunately due …